• 9411150196
  • nyogam0777@gmail.com

Niramaya Yogam :: Manas-Yog Peeth

Anna Prasad by NYRF

At NYRF, we believe that nourishing the body is an essential part of the yoga journey. That's why we offer Anna Prasad, a sacred food offering, to all guests as a gesture of gratitude and support for their spiritual practice.

Our Anna Prasad Offering

Anna Prasad, which translates to "food that is offered," is a tradition rooted in the yogic philosophy of seva (selfless service) and bhakti (devotion). It is a way for us to express our gratitude to our guests and provide them with nourishing meals that support their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Nourishing Meals

Our Anna Prasad meals are prepared with love and mindfulness by our experienced chefs, using fresh, locally sourced ingredients whenever possible. We offer a variety of vegetarian and vegan dishes that are not only delicious but also nutritious, providing guests with the sustenance they need to fuel their practice and nourish their bodies.

Community Dining

Sharing meals together is an important aspect of community building and spiritual practice. Our communal dining area provides a warm and welcoming space for guests to come together, connect with one another, and share in the experience of enjoying wholesome food. Whether you're dining alone or with fellow guests, you'll find that our Anna Prasad meals foster a sense of unity and belonging.

Sustainable Practices

At NYRF, we are committed to sustainability and mindful living. That's why we strive to minimize our environmental impact by practicing eco-friendly food preparation methods, minimizing food waste, and supporting local farmers and producers. By choosing our Anna Prasad meals, you're not only nourishing your body but also supporting sustainable and ethical food practices.

Experience the Blessings of Anna Prasad

We invite you to experience the blessings of Anna Prasad during your stay at NYRF. Whether you're attending one of our retreats, workshops, or simply visiting our center for a day of practice, our Anna Prasad meals offer a nourishing and soulful experience that will leave you feeling deeply satisfied and grateful.

Contact Us

Have questions about our Anna Prasad offering or want to learn more about our programs? Contact our friendly team today! We're here to help you every step of the way and ensure that your experience at [Yoga Charitable Trust] is nothing short of transformative.