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Niramaya Yogam :: Manas-Yog Peeth

Indian theology is a rich and diverse tradition that spans thousands of years, encompassing Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Each offers unique perspectives on metaphysics, ethics, and spirituality:


1. Hinduism: Rooted in the Vedas, Hindu theology includes beliefs in Brahman (ultimate reality), Atman (soul), karma (cause and effect), dharma (duty), and moksha (liberation from rebirth). It features a variety of deities and philosophical schools.


2. Buddhism: Originating with Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) in the 6th century BCE, it focuses on the Four Noble Truths (suffering and its end) and the Eightfold Path (ethical conduct and mental cultivation), emphasizing impermanence and nirvana (liberation from suffering).


3. Jainism: Founded by Mahavira in the 6th century BCE, Jain theology highlights non-violence, truthfulness, and asceticism. It teaches the existence of eternal souls (jivas) seeking liberation from samsara (rebirth cycle) through moral discipline and the purification of karma.


4. Sikhism: Established by Guru Nanak in the 15th century CE, Sikh theology stresses the worship of one God, ethical living, and spiritual realization through devotion and service. It promotes equality, community, and social justice, with key concepts like Ik Onkar (unity of God) and the Guru Granth Sahib (scripture).